Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Internet Marketing Campaign Techniques

There are three basic techniques for launching an Internet marketing campaign. However, prior to to starting the campaign, you need to have a few things decided and set up.

It is assumed that before you launch your Internet marketing campaign you have already established three things: a target audience, a product and a website. Then you are ready to begin marketing.

There are three basic ways to promote on the Internet. They one thing they all have in common is to drive traffic to your site. Ideally, it is targeted traffic.

The first technique is an electronic form of "word of mouth".

You want to tell everyone you can, especially those who would be particularly interested, that you have something great to offer.

You can search the Internet to for groups of people who are naturally interested in your target niche. You can find these people hanging out at forums, users groups, and in various social networking sites groups, like a face book group. Strike up conversations, make friends, and let them know what you have to offer.

Another way to get the word out is with article marketing. With article marketing, you write articles and submit them to various article directories. The idea here is that people read your article in the article directory, and follow the link back to your site.

The two above techniques can be effective, but they require a lot of time on your part. And, if you do it wrong, you will be viewed as a spammer. Then everyone loses.

The second technique is to advertise.

The most popular way to advertise is to buy ads on search engine results pages. These are the sponsored listings found in the search engine results when you search for something.

You create ads targeted to the keywords which are entered by the users to perform the search. The search engine gets paid anytime someone clicks on these ads. This type of advertising is known as pay per click or PPC.

When someone clicks on the ad, they are taken directly to a website chosen by an advertiser. The advertiser then pays the search engine for the click. PPC is an effective method to get a lot of traffic to your web page.

The third technique is to launch an e-mail campaign.

With e-mail marketing, you simply create a series of e-mails with links back to your site and send it out to a target list.

With e-mail marketing, you need to have already acquired a list of people in the target niche. 

Creating an e-mail list is a campaign in itself. However, once you have a list, you will always have a ready made audience for your campaign.

Launching an Internet marketing campaign is a bit of an art. It takes practice, experimentation and learning from others.

If you are a beginner, or even if you have figured it out, you can still take it to the next level with these two Internet Marketing Training resources below.

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