Monday, May 17, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed with affiliate marketing? It is easy to think that you have bit off more than you can chew, but you really did not.

There is good reason for feeling overwhelmed any time you start anything new, including affiliate marketing. There is a lot to learn. And there is a lot of advice.

This post explores the sources of overwhelm and what to do about it.

Too Much Advice

When you decided to pursue affiliate marketing, you began searching online for information. And you found a lot of it! There is all sorts of information about affiliate marketing on the internet. 

Some of the information is free. Some people will try to sell you some version of a get rich quick scheme. How do you sort through all of the hype?

You can stop the endless surfing by grabbing a paper pad and pencil and do something simple: start taking notes. After you have created a fair amount of notes, sift through the notes and try to make sense of it all. Try to put it into some kind of logical order.

When you are done with the notes. You have to start.

Know Where to Start

Your internet marketing career needs to start somewhere. If you followed the note taking advice above, you have started to consolidate your thoughts and are working through the learning phase of your new endeavor. 

At this point, you have enough information to start evaluating the offers and assistance available to you.

Two sources to investigate are Wealthy Affiliate University and WordPress Goldmine.

Get Support

It can be lonely when you embark on your new internet marketing campaign. You also may be surrounded by plenty on naysayers. 

This is where it is helpful to find a forum community of like minded people. Wealthy Affiliate University and WordPress Goldmine have forums with a helpful community.

The secret of getting out of the beginning affiliate marketing overwhelm is to make sense of the information, find a place to start, and get the support of a community.

Isolation is a dream killer - Barbara Sher
Don't go it alone. Join a community.

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